Encyclopedias & Reference

Oxford Reference

More than a million entries on historical figures, countries, movements on a vast range of topics including gender studies, history and more. 

Source Reference (Infobase)

Background information to start your research from more than 2 million articles.

Media and Video

Kanopy Documentaries (Video)

Please Google the movie title for a preview and then select once you are sure that you want to view the movie. We are charged for the whole movie, if you watch more than 30 seconds of the movie twice.

Newspapers & Current Events

New York Times Crossword and Games

Hit the Redeem button to gain full access to all New York Times games including the crossword, sudoku and other creative problem solving games. App is also available.


100s of full color magazines and newspapers from around the world in 60+ languages including Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. Read Washington Post, South China Morning Post, and many more on the app or your computer.

Project Syndicate

World news and opinions from respected journalists.Create an account with your tas.edu.tw or students.tas.tw email address.

The Diplomat

Read The Diplomat's analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world while on campus. To use off-campus, please login with email: usicpublic@tas.tw and password: usicpublic2022 as instructed by our vendor

The Economist

Content from magazine - 1997 to the present. Register with your tas email account. Use the same login to access the fantastic Economist app after registering via our website!

The Wall Street Journal

Use for coursework only please. The Wall Street Journal gives us a limited number of users per subscription. Thank you!

Research Tools

Scite. AI

Faculty and students register with their @tas.edu.tw email address and your own password to create an account

World Language Databases


100s of full color magazines and newspapers from around the world in 60+ languages including Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. Read Washington Post, South China Morning Post, and many more on the app or your computer.