Frequently Asked Questions
a- What are your opening hours?
FAQ - Opening hours
The Upper School Library is open on school days from
7:30am to 5:30pm
b- Do I need a library card to borrow a book?
FAQ - Library card?
Students use their TAS ID cards or ID numbers to check
out books.
c- Borrowing limits and durations?
How many items can I borrow and how long can I keep them?
You may borrow up to ten items at one time. The lending
period is 30 days for all books, eBooks, and audiobooks.
Books may be renewed unless they've been requested by
another library user.
d- Book renewals and checkout location?
FAQ - Where can I go to renew books or check what I have out and need to bring back to the library?
Students may view their personal accounts online at any time, including textbooks, by signing into Destiny (our library catalog) and clicking on My Info.
Books that are not overdue may be renewed or reserved online in Destiny.
e- I forgot to return my books on time...
FAQ - What happens if I forget to return my books on time - can I get a reminder?
Overdue notices are sent each week via TAS email accounts.
Please ensure that emails are not blocked and are accepted to the email inbox.
If you don't want an overdue notice you'll have to bring the book back on time.
We only remind you when your books get late.
f- Is there overdue book fees?
FAQ - Ouch, how much will it cost me to bring back an overdue book?
There are no fines on overdue materials.
Please track and renew or return materials that have reached their due date.
g- What if I've gone and lost the book altogether?
FAQ - Great! What if I've gone and lost the book altogether?
If an item is lost, the student pays the full cost of the item at the current market rate and a replacement fee of USD$8:00.
Lost items are cleared when a cashier's receipt is received by the library.
h- Reference Books & Textbooks, can I borrow those?
FAQ - How about Reference Books & Textbooks
Reference books are located in the Non-Fiction area (Quiet Reading Room) and are available for reading in the library.
Please note that students cannot book a table in the Quiet Reading Room; seating in this area is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Textbooks are reserved behind the information desk and may be borrowed using your student ID for use in the library.
i- Where do I go to book a Group Study Room?
FAQ - Where do I go to book a Group Study Room?
Students may reserve a study room under the Services tab on library's Homepage, or by scanning the QR Codes located on the doors of the study rooms.
Note that there are limits on the number of users each room can hold. Clubs and societies may go through their faculty sponsors for approval
to book a room for their use and must always have the supervision of at least one adult during meetings.
j- K-12 Mandarin and LS/MS Libraries
FAQ - K-12 Mandarin and LS/MS Libraries
Upper school students may use the Chinese Library as their own.
Upper school students are considered guests in the lower and middle school libraries and may check out materials,
but not use either of those libraries as a gathering or study space.
k- Rules for eating, drinking, talking, and phone usage?
FAQ - What are the expectations about eating, drinking, talking, and phone usage?
The Upper School Library observes rules consistent with its purpose as an indoor space for research, study, and information exchange.
You may not eat meals in the library. Drinks are permitted if in sealed, no-spill containers.
Library users may have indoor-level conversations with friends and study mates.
Phone usage is permitted when it is not distracting to other students.
l- Is it open to parents? alumni? community members?
FAQ - Is the Library open to parents and alumni?
Parents, alumni, and other select community members have access to the print collection in all libraries.
Check with divisional libraries for more information.